27.01.2025Functional diversity of inhibitory amygdala microcircuits

Sabine KrabbeDZNE, Bonn

Host: Ansgar BüschgesInstitute of Zoology, UoC

27.01.2025Development and functions of gamma delta T cells in neonates

Sarina RavensMedizinische Hochschule Hannover

Host: Sebastian TheobaldDGfI Young Immunologists / Dept. I of Internal Medicine

28.01.2025Beyond telomerase: How Alternative Lengthening of Telomeres drives cancer cell immortality

Stephanie PanierMax-Planck-Institute for Biology of Ageing

Host: Aleksandra TrifunovicCECAD

29.01.2025Lebensethik und der Umgang mit Vielfalt

Christiane WoopenRheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

Host: New Medical Humanities New Medical HumanitiesUniversität zu Köln

30.01.2025EURON PhD Days

EURON PhD Days CologneUniversity of Cologne and EURON

Host: EURON Organizing committeeUniversity of Cologne

30.01.2025Interactions between fibroblasts and immune cells during axon regeneration

IPMM Web-Lecture Molecular Medicine Daniel Wehner| MPI Science of Light, Erlangen

Host: Catherin NiemannCoordinator IPMM Scientific Curriculum, Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne

30.01.2025Exploring long-lived cellular components for neural plasticity and brain aging

Tomohisa TodaFriedrich-Alexander Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg

Host: Ina HuppertzMPI for Biology of Ageing

31.01.2025EURON PhD Days

EURON PhD Days CologneUniversity of Cologne and EURON

Host: EURON Organizing committeeUniversity of Cologne

06.02.2025(B)eat it – interplay between macrophages and fibroblasts in fibrotic environments and therapeutic implications

IPMM Web-Lecture Molecular Medicine Tristan Lerbs | Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Cologne

Host: Catherin NiemannCoordinator IPMM Scientific Curriculum, Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne

06.02.2025The Complex Biology of Interleukin-6: Therapeutic Concepts

Stefan Rose-JohnUniversity Kiel

Host: Henning WalczakInstitute for Biochemistry